
French vegetable producer Priméale has come up with a new marketing focus for 2012, as it looks to respond to consumers' demand for taste and freshness.

The company's new tagline, 'Quand le plaisir prime, c'est Priméale', translating roughly as 'When pleasure takes over, that's Priméale', marks a change in emphasis from previous campaigns.

In 1998, Priméale's focus was on the origin of the produce and its quality, which then shifted to a focus on the company's means of production and their advantages for the future.

The idea now is to concentrate on the consumer's pleasure - the pleasure of smell, flavour, cooking, tasting or sharing, according to Végétable.

Marketing manager Angélique Aubry insisted that 'pleasure followed on well from the values that the brand had acquired' during its 15 years of existence.