Port wins Best Global Seaport at the Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain Awards

Port of Hamburg award

Darron Barton of Asia Cargo News presents the award to Inga Gurries

Image: Air Cargo News

Germany’s Port of Hamburg was recognised at the Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain (AFLAS) Awards ceremony, which took place in Shanghai on 25 June.

The Port won the award for Best Global Seaport, with Inga Gurries, head of market development Asia Port of Hamburg Marketing, picking up the prize.

It marked the third time the Port of Hamburg had won the title after 2018 and 2019, beating competition from the ports of Singapore, Shanghai and Long Beach.

“We are honoured that the readers of Asia Cargo News have placed their trust in us by choosing us as the Best Global Seaport,” said Gurries.

Around 15,000 Asia Cargo News readers and e-news subscribers had the opportunity to vote for the award winners.

“The vote of the trade readership also shows that the Port of Hamburg continues to impress with its services,” said Axel Mattern, CEO Port of Hamburg Marketing. ”In times of multiple crises, we have proven our resilience.”