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For the 2010/11 campaign launch, Pink Lady plans to return to television screens across Europe with a brand-new advertisement. The promotion will expand on last year’s series of TV advertisements, which Pink Lady says were highly successful.

According to international marketing firm IFOP, 82 per cent of television viewers were impressed with the advert, with 84 per cent claiming to be inspired to make a purchase.

For the new campaign, Pink Lady is reviving the Romeo and Juliet thread, focusing on the themes of love and conviction in an aim to boost brand recognition and reaffirm its core values.

The ad has been produced by agency A comme André, which also made the original series, and will appear on television channels in France, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Italy on 8-21 November.

The intention is to reach over 230m impacts in total, which would represent a 5 per cent increase over last year’s campaign.

“Pink Lady’s reputation is growing and brand awareness has considerably increased in the last three years to reach 64 per cent in Belgium, 59 per cent in the UK, 57 per cent in Denmark, 56 per cent in Ireland, 48 per cent in Norway, 44 per cent in the Netherlands, and 42 per cent in France and in Germany,” the company said in a press release. “Pink Lady has confirmed its place as a premium apple in every country and is in fourth or fifth place behind the great classics such as Golden Delicious, Granny Smith. The Pink Lady brand development strategy is bearing fruit!”