
In contrast to the well-trod line that fruit consumption among young French people is declining, a new study by French organisation Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes (CTIFL) reveals that children generally like fruit very much and are perfectly capable of identifying the organoleptic qualities of each variety of apple.

The results, collected from interviews with 540 people aged 7-11 across Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux, found that Pink Lady apples were the overall favourite.

'The study underlines the attractive qualities of Pink Lady apples with regard to children,' Pink Lady said in a statement. 'The visual appreciation tests show that the pink colouring is attractive and more encouraging of spontaneous consumption. With relation to taste, the children agreed unanimously that they preferred the crunchiness, juiciness and tartness of Pink Lady apples, as well as the aroma. The sweetness of Pink Lady apples is also favoured, making them a real treat.'

In order to strengthen brand visibility in its 34 partner store chains across Europe, in France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Russia, Luxemburg, the UK and Germany, Pink Lady is launching a new point-of-sale range of items aimed at children under its PinKids brand.

As part of a partnership with Disney, the range will reportedly feature Mickey Mouse and other characters, on banners, pennants, tray skirts, shelf tags and presentation displays at point of sale.