Peru Alibaba deal

Photo: ADEX

Peruvian companies will be able to sell directly to Chinese consumers from next year thanks to a new agreement with China’s main e-business platform and the world’s largest online market.

An agreement between Alibaba Group, the Peruvian Exporter Association (ADEX), the Association of Peruvian-Chinese Companies, Ecolssa and South American Express will give Peru its own virtual sales channel enabling exporters to promote and sell their products in China through TMall and other leading online platforms from 2016.

ADEX hailed the deal as the beginning of a new trade era between the two countries, which will be highly beneficial for Peruvian exporters. The association will act as promoter and coordinator for exporters to strengthen international trade while Ecolssa (E-Commerce Logistic Service SA) will help companies with logistical issues.

Alibaba has been looking to expand its offer of Latin American fruits and vegetables. Blueberries and avocados could be among the big winners under the new deal. In the case of the latter, China’s online retailers have played a crucial role in educating consumers about how to prepare and eat avocados and sales of Mexican avocados have soared in the past three years.

Almost 650m people purchase goods online in China and sales have grown significantly in recent years. Peru becomes the 25th country whose products are available online to Chinese consumers.