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The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) has announced a new consumer competition, Your Healthy Life and You, which will ultimately reward original and creative families for their fruit and vegetable success stories.

Consumers are encouraged to write up, in 1,000 words or less, success stories from their lives involving fruit and vegetables, before emailing PBH. The contest ends on 1 July 2010.

A grand prize of US$1,000 worth of nutrition education materials and products as well as US$500 worth of fruit and vegetable-related products/coupons will be handed to the winner. Four runners-up prizes of US$500 worth of nutrition education materials and US$250 worth of fruit and vegetable-related products will also be handed out.

'We're asking everyone in the produce industry to promote the Your Healthy Life and You contest in their own way,' said Elizabeth Pivonka, president and CEO of PBH.