A new initiative to encourage growth and stability in the local economy has been launched in Oman. The government-supported Origin Oman campaign has over the past 12 months included the launch of a dedicated website, advertisements in print and on the radio, and promotional films and events.
“The aim is to encourage residents and businesses to buy from local companies and shop in local stores,” said campaign coordinator Zuhair Al Zadjali. “We want to retain the finance we have in the country, stimulating the local economy.”
Omani resident Kinda Helmi told Business Intelligence Middle East: “Shoppers increasingly want to know the source of their food, how it’s produced and where it comes from, in other words, the story behind their food.
“Buying locally produced goods supports the entire supply chain, from the farmer through to the ad agency who designs the packaging to the guy who stacks the supermarket shelves.”