Some 78 per cent of US families claim they are choosing organic foods, according to a study published by the Organic Trade Association (OTA), marking the highest number of families than ever before.
“In a time when the severity of the economy means making tough choices, it is extremely encouraging to see consumers vote with their values by including quality organic products in their shopping carts,” said Christine Bushway, OTA’s executive director and CEO.
The finding is one of many contained in OTA’s newly released 2011 US Families’ Organic Attitudes and Beliefs Study, which polled nearly 1,300 US families about their attitudes and behaviours relating to organic foods.
“It’s clear that with more than three-quarters of US families choosing organic, this has moved way beyond a niche market,” Bushway added.
According to the study, four in ten families indicate they are buying more organic products than they were a year ago.
The findings are in line with those in OTA’s 2011 Organic Industry Survey, which revealed that the US organic industry grew at a rate of nearly 8 per cent in 2010.
Fuelled by consumer choice and demand, the organic sector is one of the few components of the US economy that continues to add jobs.
Nearly half – 48 percent – of parents surveyed revealed that their strongest motivator for buying organic is their belief that organic products “are healthier for me and my children”.
Other motivators for purchasing organic included concern over the effects of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics on children, and the desire to avoid highly processed or artificial ingredients.
Nearly a decade after the federal rules for organic were implemented, 72 per cent of parents are now familiar with the USDA Organic seal, up significantly from 65 per cent in 2009.
However, the study also found that three in ten US families are new entrants to the organic marketplace, which indicates a need for continued outreach and education on the verified benefits offered by organic agriculture and products.