Enzafruit Enza NZ Royal Gala apples

Enza-branded New Zealand Royal Gala apples

Belgium-based importer Enzafruit has confirmed it expects the first arrivals of New Zealand-grown, Enza-branded Cox and Royal Gala to arrive in Europe next Thursday, 13 April.

Around 160,000 18kg cartons of the fruit are being shipped aboard the Royal Klipper – the first of six chartered Seatrade vessels carrying apples from New Zealand – to the Port of Antwerp.

As a result, the company said it expected the Enza apples to be in "pole position" for the new 2010 New Zealand apple import season.

"The New Zealand growers are very enthusiastic about the quality of their Cox this season," said a spokesperson. "Many are even talking about a nearly perfect Cox crop."

The fruit is set to have a distinct red blush on a green-yellow background, an appearance which is mainly due to the slightly colder climate experienced during January 2010.

Enza-branded Royal Gala is also set to be of high quality this season, the group said, offering an attractive, red and crispy fruit with juicy flesh that will attract people preferring a sweeter apple.