The National Mango Board (NMB) continues to build a strong digital foundation to increase its online presence, according to a press release from the US-based organization, in an effort to create maximum impact among consumers, retailers, foodservice and mango industry members.
In order to keep mangos top-of-mind among consumers, the NMB has created two widgets – the Jango Mango Match Game and a mango recipe tool – on its website which mango fans can add to their MySpace and Facebook pages or place on their own blogs or web sites.
“Our research revealed that women 25-54 are the biggest fans of casual online games, so we wanted to give them a fun pastime game that would also invite them to check out our mango recipes after each play,” said Wendy McManus, marketing director for the NMB.
The NMB has also expanded digital tools available to retailers, including the Mango Marketing Toolkit, which is available online, and gives retailers access to POS materials, logos, images, recipes, nutrition info and marketing messages to help them move mangos.
Also available on the site is the NMB’s Mango Crop Forecast, which is designed to anticipate mango volumes in the US and track recent pricing history.
The NMB recently improved and expanded the foodservice section of its website to include selecting, ripening and storage information for mangos specific to the foodservice industry, including tips on how to cut a mango at foodservice for the highest yield and education on the different ripeness levels of mangos to complement different dishes and preparations.
For mango producers and shippers, the NMB has beefed up the website’s industry section, which now includes a tools and resources section, both in English and Spanish, providing links to over 50 different web pages, including produce organizations, government agencies and research universities where mango industry members can find helpful information.
“Through the tools and resources page, my goal is for to become a clearinghouse of information that can help mango industry members in every phase of their business,” said William Watson, NMB executive director.