US food safety app

The US government has pledged to further help the American public verify what it eats is safe with the launch of the so-called Products Recall application (app) for the Android smartphone, and shortly Blackberry and iPhone.

“Alerting consumers quickly to food and product recall information through this technology can prevent untold illness and save lives,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in a statement released by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

“Instead of trying to find recalls on many different websites at home, consumers who download this tool can use technology to make informed decisions even before they put a product in their grocery cart or open the package to prepare a meal for their family.”

The app was unveiled by the General Services Administration and is available as part of the new mobile app store on the updated website, which offers a range of mobile applications developed throughout the federal government.

Using information from several agencies across the government, including the USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Products Recall app for smartphones is designed to help reduce foodborne illness and enhance the lives of Americans.

According to developers, the technology puts information at consumers’ fingertips about any recalled products (including foods), and allows them to view the most recent recall press releases and any pictures associated with those products.

The app's “report incident” feature also allows consumers to connect directly with their government to report concerns of unsafe products.

Additionally, a “tips” option features rotating educational messages for consumers about a variety of products, such as highlighting safe food handling tips as popular cooking holidays approach.

“Our goal is to quickly inform the public and media when food products are recalled,” said USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety Jerold Mande. “This app puts the information directly in the hands of consumers, giving them the power to take action.”

In addition to foods regulated by FSIS and FDA, the Products Recall app also includes recall information for drugs, cots, pushchairs, child safety seats, tyres, and other consumer products.