Frutas Escrig

Spanish citrus producer Exforpe has launched a new superhero-styled brand for its clementine packs, as part of a promotional drive to encourage greater consumption of the fruit among children.

The ‘Escrig Supermandarina’ brand will feature the seedless Clemenule variety, which the Valencia-based company said was ideal for younger consumers, thanks to its small size, high sugar content and easy-to-peel skin.

According to Exforpe, the product’s superhero mascot has been designed to emphasise the “strength, energy and vitamin C” that the clementines deliver.

“The idea to create a range of clementines for children arose from the current social situation in Spain where there has been a worrying rise in childhood obesity,” said the company’s Vicent Escrig in a statement.

“On the one hand, we wanted to produce a very attractive image for children and on the other, guarantee to the parents that the fruit is sweet and tasty.”

Exforpe added that the product, which will be sold in branded net-packs, will be distributed across Spain through greengrocers and fresh produce marketers.