The mini kiwifruit is increasing in popularity in countries that eat a lot berries, according to Sofruileg’s Jean-Pierre Caruel, with growth in that category boding well for Nergi

Consumption of Nergi mini kiwifruit is rising steadily in northern European markets, according to Jean-Pierre Caruel of brand owner Sofruileg’s innovation department. The sweet-sour kiwi berry appears to do well in all those places where consumers eat a lot of berries, he reveals.

The main market for Nergi is Germany, which accounts for up to a third of sales, followed by Scandinavian countries including Denmark and Sweden.

“These countries are used to eating a lot of berries,” says Caruel, “so it’s much easier for us to drive sales of Nergi in these kinds of markets.”


In France, the berry category is less dynamic, and so Nergi’s development in this market has been slower, Caruel believes. “Developments in berries are always good for Nergi, due to the snacking connection,” he says. “Although French and Italian consumers appear to be adopting the product more slowly, consumer habits are changing and the outlook for development is favourable.”

According to Caruel, consumers choose Nergi for different reasons, be that taste, health or convenience, and luckily for them, volumes are on the rise.

“This year, over 10m 125g punnets are expected to hit the shelves,” he says, “mainly from our orchards in Portugal, Italy and France.”

A significant promotional budget has been put behind a campaign to boost brand awareness on social media, including using a network of European influencers.

This year, the brand’s message reportedly revolves around a new concept, “Small fruit, max effects”, with promotional efforts geared directly to the consumer and campaigns tailored to each market segment, including incentives for consumption.

“We have to invest in marketing operations to develop new markets, as this is a new product, but the priority is to ensure the value comes back to the grower,” states Caruel. “We don’t want to develop in an uncontrolled way. The grower has to be satisfied by the return in order to be motivated to continue to improve techniques, quality and yields.”

Nergi mini kiwifruit are expected to be available from mid-August until mid-November, with distribution controlled by three approved sales operators, Ortofruit Italia in Italy, Portprimland in Portugal and Primland in France.