
Mission Produce's packaging now features the Heart-Check mark 

Mission Produce has thrown its support behind American Heart Month this February through the launch of the #CheckMeOut campaign.

Across the month, the leading avocado supplier will share heart healthy recipes, developed by registered dietitians, that feature its fruit.

It will also support retailers with an in-store toolkit to engage consumers at the retail level, while the #CheckMeOut hashtag will be used extensively on Mission’s social channels including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

The campaign comes after the company announced its avocados are Heart-Check certified by the American Heart Association, a claim it will proudly present on its packaging.

“Including the Heart-Check mark on our avocado packaging, providing retail support, and sharing our heart healthy findings is an important way for us to carry the health message about avocados across all channels,” said Robb Bertels, Mission’s vice president of marketing.

“We’ve been engaging with avocado lovers more and more through social, and #CheckMeOut is another way to extend that message. We’ve generated a lot of enthusiasm, and the Heart- Check is a positive touchpoint to give consumers another reason to eat more avocados.”