The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has selected Matt McLean, president of Uncle Matt's Organic, to serve as its board president.
McLean, an organic citrus grower with more than 13 years' experience in the industry, said: 'The Board and I will work diligently toward OTA’s vision of organic products becoming a significant part of everyday life for families across North America.'
After completing two terms (six years) on the board, he succeeds Smucker Natural Foods' Julia Sabin, who served one three-year term as president.
At the OTA's annual meeting in Baltimore, Sarah Bird of Annie's was also announced as vice-president for the US, while Gunta Vitins of Vitins Consulting will be vice-president for Canada.
Kristen Holt of Quality Assurance International is the chosen treasurer and Cal Organic/Grimmway Farms' Todd Linsky takes on the role of secretary.