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German retail group Edeka has reportedly achieved growth at its Marktkauf hypermarkets for the first time since transferring control of the division to the group's seven regional divisions more than two years ago.

According to a report in Lebensmittel Zeitung, Marktkauf's turnover grew slightly over the first 20 weeks of 2010, in contrast with a downturn of more than 3 per cent during the course of 2009.

However, the newspaper revealed that only three of the banner's regions managed an increase in turnover, with the Rhine-Ruhr area recording sales growth of 4 per cent.

In Southern Bavaria, Marktkauf's sales declined nearly 7 per cent during the 20-week period.

According to Planet Retail, Marktkauf's regional divisions have tried a number of different methods to turn around the hypermarkets, with a focus on privatisation and handing the stores over to independent shopkeepers.