Canadian greenhouse produce guide

The Quebec Produce Marketing Association (QPMA), in partnership with the Union of Quebec Greenhouse Growers (SPSQ), has published a new food guide entitled ‘Coup de cœur pour les légumes de serre du Québec!’ – The Love at First Bite Guide to Quebec Greenhouse Vegetables.

The new guide, the sixth in a series published in French as part of the ‘I love 5 to 10 servings a day’ campaign, is designed to help people get to know and appreciate an agricultural sector that delivers produce with top quality colour and flavour.

Nutrition consultant and author Julie DesGroseilliers (who is also official spokesperson for “I love 5 to 10 servings a day”) has modelled the new guide on QPMA’s ‘Coup de cœur pour la saveur!’ covering nutritional value, practical help and hints, recipes and more.

“Buying Quebec-grown greenhouse vegetables means we can enjoy produce that tastes great and has the same nutritional value any month of the year,” she said in a press release.

“It’s also a great way of supporting our local greenhouse growers – a win-win situation for everyone!”

The booklet-sized guide includes sections on tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers and cooking herbs – all products grown in Quebec greenhouses to meet consumer demand for quality, colour, flavour and great eating all year round.