Macfrut hall overhead shot

This year's Macfrut, the Cesena, Italy-based international exhibition, will feature for the first time an event dubbed as the 'G20 of the fresh produce industry', scheduled for the opening day of Macfrut (6 October).

The new G20 segment is aimed at bringing together 20 of the 'most important agricultural regions in Europe', with the ultimate goal of drafting a joint document for the adoption of common market rules, particularly with regards to relationships with large-scale distributors.

'In other words, the first G20 of the fresh produce industry aims at achieving a better distribution of income along the production chain,' a Macfrut news release read.

One day prior to the official meeting (5 October), the G20 segment of the event will host the European Fruit Summit, containing forecasts for the apple, pear, kiwifruit and citrus industries both in Europe and globally.

Macfrut itself takes place on 6-8 October this year, and is again looking to maintain its place as one of the most important events for the fresh produce industry in Mediterranean Europe

The 2009 edition saw some 21,500 professionals visit the event to see more than 700 exhibitors, 20 per cent of which were from overseas.