Junami Philip Smits Naomi van As

Philip Smits with Naomi van As

Dutch hockey player Naomi van As, who helped her country land gold at both the Beijing and London Olympic games, has stepped forward to help give Junami apples a push going into the new season.

According to Inova Fruit BV, the aim of the tie-up is to introduce the Junami apple to everyone in the Netherlands with an active, sporty lifestyle.

“Time for a quick break with a good thirst-quencher and the right type of energy boost – Junami fits the bill perfectly and that is why we asked Naomi to act as a kind of ambassador for the apple,' explains Philip Smits, director of Inova Fruit BV.

Throughout the entire sales season, van As will contribute to the communication surrounding Junami, and with the Olympic Games in Rio and excellent prospects for a gold medal on the horizon, thousands of fans will be following her.

“We are absolutely certain that Naomi can help increase brand awareness and personalise the slogan “Have a Junami break”, concludes Smits.