IT Mr Fruitness

The campaign is fronted by superhero character Mr Fruitness and backed by the Italian government and the EU

Italian agency Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli (CSO) says it is hoping to promote higher intake of fresh fruit and vegetables among German consumers by promoting its Fruitness, enjoy it! project to around 10,000 doctors in the country.

The initiative, backed by several of Italy's leading fresh produce exporters and funded in part by the EU and the Italian government, will involve providing general practitioners with a regular source of information about the health benefits of eating fresh produce.

The first mailing, due to be sent imminently, will deliver facts and figures about summer fruits including peaches, nectarines and apricots.

Germany's medical community will also have the opportunity to request special information packs containing product information and a seasonal calendar.

According to CSO, a recent study by researchers at the University of Leeds found that children in London did not consume five portions, or 400g, of fruit and vegetables a day.

In a survey of 2,389 children attending 52 primary schools in the British capital, it was discovered that nearly two-thirds of the group failed to reach the daily intake recommended by the World Health Organization.