Bruno Dupont

Bruno Dupont

French interprofessional organisation Interfel has announced the election of Bruno Dupont as its new president.

The organisation's board met this week, voting unanimously, with one abstention, for the representative of the National Federation of Fruit Producers (FNPF).

Also elected were vice president Laurent Grandin, representative of the National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (UNCGFL); treasurer Daniel Corbel, representative of the National Association of Fruit and Vegetable Exporters; and general secretary Pierre Diot, representative of Economic Governance of Fruit and Vegetables (GEFeL).

In addition, the organisation named Angélique Delahaye, Jean-Michel Delannoy, Bernard Bruyere and Christel Tesseydre as board members.

Dupont is set to make his first public address as president of Interfel during a press conference next week, the organisation stated.