Gilles Vignaud

Gilles Vignaud

At this week's board meeting, directors of Interfel entrusted Gilles Vignaud with the powers to reform the interprofessional organisation's governance over the next six months.

According to a press release from Interfel, the move came following the announcement by the UNFD, the national union of grocers and part of the Interfel family, that it no longer recognised Mr Vignaud as a member of the UNFD, forcing the latter to announce his resignation as president.

Mr Vignaud said that the matter was a 'political issue and not a personal one' and stated his wish to avoid any controversy in order to preserve the interests of the interprofession.

As laid out in the statutes, vice-president Philippe Bauwin then assumed the presidency of Interfel, but chose to delegate his presidential powers to Mr Vignaud, giving the latter the mandate to undertake major reforms of the organisation's governance over the coming six months.

Mr Vignaud has since announced the formation of a working group and a roadmap to be presented at the next board meeting on 19 April.