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A new guide has been published by IGD to provide a set of principles for UK businesses to communicate the fruit and vegetable content of 'composite' food products, that contribute half, one or more of the five portions of fresh produce consumers are recommended to eat or drink each day.

The guidelines were agreed by a working group consisting of nutritionists, NGOs and trade associations as a way of helping consumers increase their intake of fruit and vegetables.

So-called composite foods include smoothies, vegetable-based soups and baked beans in a tomato sauce, IGD said.

Limits to the amount of sugar, salt and saturated fat allowed in a composite food labelled as contributing to your five-a-day have now been agreed, to help move consumers towards a healthier and more balanced diet.

“IGD ShopperTrack research shows that 46 per cent of shoppers expect to buy more products that contribute to their five daily portions of fruit and vegetables over the next 12 months,' noted IGD chief executive Joanne Denney-Finch. 'Under the auspices of IGD a working group consisting of nutritionists from the food industry, trade associations and NGOs has agreed these guidelines which help consumers to do just that.

'Composite foods are an important source of fruit and vegetables in the diet,' she added. 'Labelling the number of portions in composite foods helps consumers increase their five-a-day intake and encourages food businesses to add more fruit and vegetables to their products.'

The full set of guidelines are available as to download as a PDF on the IGD website.