Hortyfruta campaign

Andalusian fresh produce cross-sector association Hortyfruta will be promoting fruits and vegetables from the southern Spanish region at events in the UK and Germany this weekend, as part of a concerted campaign to repair damage to the sector’s image.

Despite being cleared of any connection to Germany’s recent E.coli outbreak, there remains considerable concern in the Spanish fresh produce sector over the bad publicity generated by the initial, and false, identification of Spanish cucumbers as the source.

To counter this, the Almería-based organisation is adapting promotions already prepared for the 2011/12 horticultural campaign to focus, it said, on repairing the sector’s image and reactivating consumption of Andalusian fruits and vegetables.

As part of this campaign, Hortyfruta is exhibiting at The Taste festival in London from 16-19 June, where it will offer product tastings and free recipe cards to visitors to the event.

From 18-19 June, the organisation will also be participating, as an exhibitor and sponsor, at the ‘Neuwieder Sommercamp’ trade fair in Neuwied, Germany, an event aimed at the next generation of buyers from the country’s leading grocery retail chains.