Hamburg Süd ship

German shipping group Hamburg Süd has been recognised for its environmental conduct by landing two prestiious awards in the US.

First, in late July 2011, it received the Air Quality Award from the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Group (backed by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach), before picking up the Gulf Guardian Award of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The EPA conferred the Gulf Guardian Award on Hamburg Süd in the Binational category within the context of the Gulf of Mexico Programme, because the company had participated voluntarily in measures aimed at reducing emissions in the Gulf of Mexico.

With the Air Quality Award, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach recognised innovative measures that helped to reduce emissions and lower air pollution, with Hamburg Süd one of the leading participants in the Green Flag Programme of the Port of Long Beach, which, in 2010, contained a voluntary speed reduction to below 12 knots during entry and departure from the port.