us retail shopper

A new survey conducted by the US-based Shelton Group has found that a number of consumers in the country would prefer to see an indication on produce that it is grown domestically.

According to the group, some 17 per cent of 1,013 consumers wanted to see a 'Grown in the USA' label on produce, something that reflected three important trends, according to Suzanne Shelton.

'First, Americans are increasingly worried about food contamination, and they're concerned about water treatment and crop fertilisation in other countries,' she said. 'Second, there is growing support for family farms and local sourcing – a trend that's gone mainstream in the last several years, including at Walmart.

'And finally, people are concerned about the economy and job losses, so buying 'Grown in the USA' is a away to help fellow Americans.'

However, the survey found that an indication of 'natural' or 'all natural' represented the greatest appeal for consumers, with 25 per cent of respondents saying that either term was 'the best description to read on a food label', followed by 'organic'.

The survey also found that recycling is growing more popular, with more than 60 per cent of surveyed Americans saying that they regularly recycle cans, bottles and newspapers.

Product sustainability also seems to be increasing in importance, the group said, with seven out of 10 respondents indicating that they were searching for sustainable products