
Ginger prices are expected to soar during the remaining weeks of 2009 as a result of a major shortfall in the Chinese crop.

According to Danny Deen, from Netherlands-based importer Denimpex, supplies from China could be down by as much as 60 per cent, while both Brazil and Thailand have already finished their export campaigns.

“There is no new supply at the moment and there is likely to be a big shortage for about 10 weeks,” he said.

Vincent Kronenburg, from fellow Dutch importer Zoutewelle, said that prices were expected to increase, particularly for high quality ginger.

According to the UK’s London Evening Standard, the shortage could force ginger prices to rise from as low as £1 (€1.12) to £2.15 (€2.42) by next year.

Mr Kronenburg said his company was currently seeking alternative sources of ginger, such as Costa Rica, although it was not yet certain whether it would be able to secure products of a high enough quality for sale in Europe.