Rhineland apples Germany

Visitors to a major consumer products show in the German city of Essen will be able to sample a range of different apple varieties thanks to the Rhineland Provincial Fruit and Vegetable Producers Union (RLV).

The organisation confirmed it would offer the samples during the consumer show NRW Vom Guten das Beste, which takes place alongside consumer show Mode, Heim, Handwerk at the Messe Essen exhibition centre on 10-13 November.

'Which apple varieties exactly match my taste? This is a question which consumers are asking more and more when buying apples in greengrocers or at weekly markets,' said a spokesperson for the Union. 'We thought it would be best if we tried to answer that question.'

Numerous types of apple will be on display and available for show visitors to try, including established varieties like Elstar, Gala and Braeburn, as well as new cultivars such as Topaz and Rubinette.

Winter vegetables produced in the Rhineland will also be presented for sampling during the show, the RLV confirmed.