Having officially been placed into liquidation yesterday (25 February 2009), ZMP, the agricultural analysis service which was formerly part of Germany's central marketing organisation CMA, is to resume operations as part of a new entity, Agrarmarkt Informations Gesellschaft (AMI).
The new company will have its head office in Berlin, unlike ZMP which was based in Berlin. Carl von Butler has been named as its new managing director.
Following a meeting with shareholders yesterday, the group announced that former ZMP managing director Ralf Goessler and Alfons Schnabel, director of Rheinland-Pfalz Agricultural Board, had been appointed to oversee the company's liquidation.
This follows a decision by the German Federal Constitutional Court at the beginning of February, when it ruled that the system of marketing payments made by German producers to central marketing organisation CMA was illegal under existing legislation, throwing the organisation's future into serious doubt.
Talks regarding the future of Germany's export promotions following the federal court ruling are ongoing, although it was reported earlier this week by the Lebensmittel Zeitung that insolvency had been averted.