Sustainable development week 2013

During last week's annual sustainable development week in France, two retailers took the opportunity to highlight their efforts to preserve the environment.

Carrefour announced that it was testing the use of its first delivery lorries running on biomethane, a fuel derived from organic waste, in particular fruit and vegetables.

This test involves deliveries of groceries and dried products to around 15 Carrefour hypermarkets in the Lille area.

'It is exactly this kind of anti-waste and pro-green energy initiative that demonstrates just how committed Carrefour is to sustainable development,' the company stated.

Meanwhile, Monoprix has revealed that it is seeking to lower its greenhouse gases emissions by 20 per cent by 2020, following good progress over the last few years.

Between 2008 and 2011, the company reduced its electricity consumption per metre by 9 per cent, the company stated, while emissions per palette transported by its logistics arm, Samada, were cut by the same amount.

Both retailers' announcements come at a time of major change in France, with the ministry of environment currenty drawing up a significant energy transition plan for the future.