French apples

French apples are continuing to grow their market share in the UK, according to market research firm Kantar.

They now account for a total of 20.7 per cent of UK apple sales, having grown by 7.3 per cent this year, Kantar reported.

Braeburn (30.6 per cent), Gala (26.9 per cent), Golden Delicious (15.8 per cent) and Granny Smith (8.1 per cent) dominate the market, the researcher revealed, with red varieties also performing well (16.7 per cent).

French apple association Le Crunch is launching a three-year marketing campaign in the UK, at a cost of €1.2m, in order to mark the start of the new 2010 season.

The campaign will reportedly include the development of a new industry website and a big promotional presence in the wholesale and retail sectors.

Daniel Corbel, co-president of INTERFEL’s external market commission, commented: “The UK is France’s biggest export market so it’s important to continue to invest with our trusted partners in the UK trade. We are happy to be able to support them with a range of in-store promotional mechanics that will put Le Crunch apples at the front of British consumers’ minds and, we hope, into their shopping baskets.

“The quality of French apples is very good this year, thanks to favourable climatic conditions which have created fruits that are perfectly suited to the British market in terms of their shape and size.Harvest 2010 is proving to be a good quality harvest with attractive fruit with good fault-free skins.”

This year, 1.58m tonnes of apples are expected to be harvested in France between the beginning of August and the end of October.