UK producers’ association the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) is considering bidding for European Union funding to support a proposed promotional campaign for UK-grown fruit and vegetables across Europe.
In a statement, the organisation said it was canvassing the opinions of the UK fresh produce sector as to what form the bid and proposals should take.
“Following the devastating impact of the recent European E.coli outbreaks on the UK fresh produce industry we are asking our members if they want FPC, on behalf of the industry, to bid for a promotional programme,” said FPC president Jim Rogers.
“This could be either a broad campaign or activities tailored to support particular products or sector of our membership.”
The European Commission will co-fund to 50 per cent promotional and marketing programmes for certain products of EU origin within Europe and is inviting proposals from trade associations and other representative bodies.
FPC is seeking members’ views and the proposals will be discussed by the group’s council in October. If there is committed support from members, then the association said it would look to develop a proposal for submission in November.
“We’ve been disappointed by the lack of support from the UK government to redress the loss of consumer confidence in fresh produce,” said FPC chief executive Nigel Jenney.
“Once again the fresh produce industry is left to help itself, and this EU funding could provide the opportunity to give some much needed assistance to hard pressed sectors of the industry.”