FFS young chef

Foods from Spain has launched its third Spanish Young Chef of the Year competition in the UK, which offers the winner a sought-after working placement in the kitchens of one of Spain's best Michelin-starred restaurants as part of the organisation's campaign to promote fresh Spanish fruit and vegetables.

The competition is open to students and chefs already working in industry up to the age of 25, charged with designing a three-course Spanish-inspired meal for four covers, using specified Spanish fruits and other foods in each course.

Each course must feature one ingredient from the pair of strawberries or raspberries, picota cherries or persimmons and rice or pulses, with entrants encouraged to use additional Spanish ingredients.

The competition will be judged by a small panel in two stages, a paper-based first round followed by a cook-off in London for eight successful finalists.

Last year's winner, trainee chef Selin Kiazim, takes up a stage placement at El Bulli in December this year, with this year's winner taking up a similar placement, including paid accommodation and travel expenses.

The closing date for round one of the competition is Friday 3 December 2010, with the cook-off final taking place in January next year.

Foods from Spain is part of the Spanish Commercial Office at the Spanish Embassy.