The apple variety has made its television debut in Italy and the brand will be promoted from the ground up as part of a major new campaign

The first ever national television campaign in Europe for Cosmic Crisp apples has taken place in Italy, a move that heralds the start of a new commercial chapter for the promising variety.

The advertisements are part of a major set up in promotional actvitiy for the trademarked variety, which will also see the appearance of a branded hot air balloon across the continent over the next few years.

Expectations are sky high for this latest development in the story of an apple that originated in the US state of Washington. The two South Tyrolean companies behind Cosmic Crisp, Vog and Vip Val Venosta, say they will have around 5,200 tonnes to sell in 2023, around four times what they had available in 2022.

Marketing promotions are planned for several European countries. The primary goal is to appeal to modern consumers and position the product as a “next-generation apple” thanks to its deep-red, speckled appearance, crispness, juicy flesh, and balanced sweet-tart flavour. As the slogan has it, “an apple that promises a heavenly taste with every bite”. 

Cosmic Crisp apple

As well as a television debut, a multi-platform digital campaign will strengthen awareness of Cosmic Crisp in Italy, Spain, and Germany from March to June. Point-of-sale initiatives and samplings to attract new consumers and support sales are also set to continue. 

 “Cosmic Crisp is an apple that is eagerly awaited by our customers,” comments Vog sales manager Klaus Hölzl. “Last year, we received enthusiastic feedback from retailers and consumers, so we are expecting a very good season. Thanks to the significant increase in quantity, as planned, we are continuously present in points of sale until late June.” 

Fabio Zanesco, head of protected varieties at Vip, says quality is “very good” with ideal sizes to satisfy different markets. “In addition to the increase in quantity, we have planned innovative and distinctive marketing initiatives to grow the brand,” he confirms. “We expect an increasing number of people to experience the heavenly taste of Cosmic Crisp and to be won over by it.”

Organic production also plays a key part in the companies’ future development plans. Production in South Tyrol was around 250 tonnes in 2022, but this volume is also expected to increase.