European fresh produce consumer awareness campaign, Vegetables in Europe: We Care, You Enjoy, has appointed nutritionist and columnist Fiona Hunter as its spokesperson to support promotional activities in the UK.

Hunter will be endorsing the campaign’s healthy eating message, guiding and supplying consumers with nutritional information and giving advice regarding the incorporation of fresh produce into their everyday diet via various media channels.

“I think it is vital that we get this healthy eating message out there and make consumers aware of just how easy it is to incorporate vegetables into their daily meals,' she explained. 'It is important that despite the recession, healthy eating remains a priority.

'While this is something that I’ve always been committed to in my 30 years as a nutritionist, there are also a growing body of reports which suggest that a diet rich in vegetables and fruit offer a number of health benefits,' Hunter added.

Vegetables from Europe: We Care, You Enjoy runs across the UK, Germany and Austria to inform consumers both of the importance of eating fresh produce from Europe, and assure them of their high quality due to strict community controls.

The initiative, which is supported by the European Union and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, is driven by organisations Hortyfruta (Andalusian Fruit and Vegetable Trade Organisation) and Proexport (Association of Producers-Exporters of Fresh Produce in Murcia).