Eastern European country’s sweet potato imports have more than doubled in the past five years, according to East Fruit

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Egypt is now the leading exporter of sweet potatoes to Poland and is likely to retain that position in years to come, according to a new report by EastFruit.

In 2023, Egyptian exporters apparently sold 2.8m tons of the product to customers in Poland, an annual increase of around one-third.

And in the first half of 2024, sales of Egyptian sweet potatoes to Poland reportedly rose to a record 940 tonnes.

“Poland is already the fifteenth largest importer of sweet potatoes globally,” commented Yevhen Kuzin, fruit and vegetable market analyst at EastFruit.

“Considering that many top-listed countries import this product for re-export, Poland’s position in the global ranking of sweet potato consumers is even more significant.”

He added: “Over the past five years, Poland has more than doubled its imports of this product, a growth rate matched only by the USA, which uses a significant portion of imports for re-export.”