
Spanish fresh produce association Ecohal Granada has announced that it has left Andalusian interprofessional organisation Hortyfruta only a year after joining the group, after accusing it of ignoring the interests of small producers.

The association, which claims to represent 75 per cent of fresh produce marketing companies in the Costa de Granada, has accused Hortyfruta of being an organisation in which the majority “act like a rolling pin”, without taking into account others’ opinions.

Ecohal Granada also claimed there had been “discrepancies” concerning aspects of Hortyfruta’s promotional campaigns, arguing that they had focused on ecological and integrated production to the detriment of certified production.

However, Hortyfruta has hit back at the reasons given by Ecohal Granada for its departure, claiming that its explanation was “not in keeping with reality” and was “far removed from those considered by Hortyfruta as being its true motives”.

In a statement, the interprofessional group accused the association of “obstructing” the organisation’s work since its entry by “refusing to contribute information” and not complying with the internal processes of the organisation.

Hortyfruta claimed that the organisation’s other members had proposed the expulsion of Ecohal Granada a few weeks ago for ‘failing to pay’ its share of promotions.

However, despite the row, Ecohal Granada said that its departure from Hortyfruta was not a definite adios and that its would consider rejoining the organisation in the future should its “inflexible internal structure” and “extreme positions” change.