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British consumers should shun imported fruit and vegetables at times when UK-grown products are in season, according to a new campaign, dubbed ‘Eat Seasonably’, which is encouraging UK shoppers to buy more locally-sourced fresh produce.

The initiative, which is backed by a range of ethical trade organisations as well as UK retailers Tesco and Sainsbury’s, was this week officially launched by television presenter and fresh produce entrepreneur Gregg Wallace.

The “Eat Seasonably’ campaign will call on British consumers to choose UK-grown fruit and vegetables when in season, as well as encouraging first-time gardeners to grow their own food.

Speaking at this week’s Re:fresh conference, Mr Wallace said the initiative would aim to highlight the “superstars of British food” to UK consumers.

More controversially, he argued that “at least 10 per cent” of fresh produce stocked by supermarket outlets should come from within 10 miles of that store.

But he added: “I’m not suggesting that we turn our back on imported products – I enjoy the taste of a mango or a pineapple, but I’m suggesting we use the produce the best we can when it’s in season.”

‘Eat Seasonably’ is the first initiative to be launched by a loose coalition of British companies and organisations, called ‘We Will If You Will’, that has been formed to in response to a government call for action to be taken to encourage sustainable lifestyles.

In addition to founders Kingfisher, the coalition includes retailers Tesco and Sainsbury’s, organic lobbying group the Soil Association and government recycling campaign group Wrap, among others.

As well as his television appearances, Mr Wallace is managing director of mail-order business Gregg’s Veg and co-director of fruit and vegetable catering supplier West Veg.