Dutch peppers

Dutch horticultural association Productschap Tuinbouw has confirmed plans to roll out a special media campaign in Germany during early July aimed at restoring confidence in Dutch fresh vegetables.

The group has identified six tonnes of produce which it will market via a special campaign, with growers and exporters paying 50 per cent of the promotional costs involved.

The promotions will include advertisements in leading German newspapers including Bild, with the overall aim of bringing consumption of Dutch vegetables in its biggest export market up to the levels seen prior to the E coli outbreak.

'The advertisements will convey a powerful message about the quality of production, processing and trading in the Netherlands,' said a spokesperson for Productschap Tuinbouw.

'This will encourage German consumers to return to enjoying salad vegetables and will further increase consumption in the country.'

The campaign will be carried out by the FruitVegetables Agency Holland, which already runs a number of promotional activities for Dutch fruit and vegetables on various export markets.