Frische ist Leben DFHV BVEO VLAM poster

Under the motto Frische ist Leben ('Fresh is Life'), Germany's 5 am Tag health campaign has rolled out a new nationwide poster campaign timed to coincide with the start of the country's srping-summer fresh produce season.

The new, three-year campaign brings together for the first time four major fresh produce industry organisations not only from Germany but also from two of its key supplier countries, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Joining the National Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisations (BVEO) and German Fruit Trade Association (DHFV) are Fruit Vegetable Agency Holland and VLAM, the Flanders Agricultural Marketing Board.

Together with support from the EU, the four groups have provided the 5-a-day campaign with financial backing to underline the quality of produce on offer in the German market.

Launching the new poster campaign at a special event in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the project's patron and Federal Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner said: 'Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. Consumers in Germany can choose from a variety that is greater than ever before, and they can rest assured that the products are of excellent quality.'

From 18 May, the posters will appear at strategic locations close to supermarkets, convenience stores and hypermarkets across Germany.

Sabine Lauxen, spokesperson for 5 am Tag, commented: 'With the slogan Fresh is Life, the 5 am Tag campaign will create demand for more fruit and vegetables at the start of the season over the next three years and thus promote a healthy lifestyle.'

To achieve that goal, the campaign is set to reach consumers in a total of 900 German cities, with grocery stores being encouraged to back it.