US science group DuPont has launched two new crop protection products for European specialty crop growers at Interpoma 2008, which is taking place in Bolzano, Italy this week.
The insecticides, DuPont Coragen and Altacor, are the first to come from the company's next generation active ingredient for insecticide control, Rynaxypyr – recently named as one of the most innovative products released in 2008 by Research and Development magazine.
The products are designed for use on a variety of crops, including apples, pears, stonefruit, grapes, vegetables, corn, rice and cotton, and protect against a range of pests including codling moth, oriental fruit moth and apple leafminers.
'Altacor and Coragen both offer powerful, fast-acting and long-lasting control of a wide range of pests that cause costly damage to fruit and vegetable crops,' the group said.
The opening day of Interpoma saw a meeting of over 80 fruit experts from across the globe to discuss the results of their trials using Rynaxypyr.
'Rynaxypyr will provide a significant change in insect control strategies,' said DuPont scientist John Andaloro. 'I am confident that this insecticide will set an industry benchmark for all other products in its class.'