Dole Salad EatingWell

A newly signed year-long partnership between Dole Salads and EatingWell Magazine is seeking to inspire consumers in the US to eat more salads, fruits and vegetables in 2013, and ultimately live happier, healthier lives.

The partnership, which was first announced on 10 January, represents the first time the world's largest provider of fresh fruits and vegetables has teamed up with a major media brand.

The year-long alliance between Dole and EatingWell's print and online properties includes a range of initiatives designed to demonstrate how easy and delicious a balanced diet rich in leafy greens and fresh produce can be.

Elements include new recipes and serving suggestions from the kitchens of Dole and EatingWell, educational outreach, a spring blogger and media summit and a consumer sweepstakes that will reward one consumer with a US$25,000 customised health and wellness prize package.

'Eating well is the foundation for living well – and we're out to give Americans the recipes, serving suggestions and inspiration they need to make 2013 their healthiest and happiest year yet,' said Chris Mayhew, vice-president of marketing for Dole Fresh Vegetables. 'More than just providing resources, our goal is to work with the experts at EatingWell to offer very tangible ways for families to eat more wholesome, nutritious meals that are flavourful and satisfying. Ultimately, both brands have come together to redefine what healthy eating looks – and tastes – like.'

The partnership is part of Dole's larger mission of increasing America's nutritional wellness and reducing a number of negative health trends through greater consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. This long-term goal is also what attracted EatingWell to Dole.

'One of our goals is to help Americans learn to love healthier foods through delicious, healthy recipes,' said Lisa Gosselin, editorial director for EatingWell. 'Right now, only one in three Americans is getting the servings of fruits and vegetables he or she needs to stay healthy. We're excited to work with Dole to share some easy, amazing recipes and new ways to enjoy fresh produce.'