Characters from the Disney and Pixar film will feature on stickers across select Del Monte products

Fresh Del Monte has announced a collaboration with Disney and Pixar’s movie Inside Out 2, which is set to hit cinemas in June.

Del Monte Inside Out 2

In the promotion, characters from the film will be featured on stickers on select Del Monte products in Europe from May.

Inside Out 2 continues the story of Riley and her emotions as they navigate the challenges of growing up.

The fresh produce group said it was excited to show the characters ”in a whole new way, right in the heart of the produce aisle”.

“We are delighted to collaborate with Disney and Pixar on this exciting venture,” said Thierry Montange, EA marketing director at Del Monte.

“At Fresh Del Monte, we are committed to providing families with wholesome, nutritious products that bring joy to their everyday lives,” he outlined. ”By featuring characters from ‘Inside Out 2’ on our products but also on in-store materials and brand content, we hope to make healthy eating a fun and engaging experience for children and parents alike.”

The collaboration will include a range of products adorned with images of characters such as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and newcomers Anxiety and Ennui.

In addition to product packaging, the campaign will feature what Del Monte called a ”comprehensive marketing strategy”, including digital advertising, a social media campaign, in-store advertising and a TV commercial.