
Spanish citrus variety club CVVP (Club de Variedades Vegetales Protegidas) has launched a major promotional campaign for Clemcott, a new club brand for producers of the Nadorcott clementine variety in the country.

To publicise the launch of the venture, CVVP said it was carrying out an “aggressive” marketing campaign for the brand, mailing information to supermarket buyers, consumers and media outlets.

Producers signed up to the initiative have committed to what CVVP described in as statement as a “tough” plan for production control and traceability for the brand, with rigorous inspections taking place at production sites, packhouses and at the point-of-sale.

In an interview with Spanish daily Las Provincias last month, the variety club said that Clemcott had been created to add value to clementine producers’ fruit by attempting to remove Nadorcott from being treated as a commodity product.

In a statement, CVVP said that Clemcott-branded fruit, which it said would only use “superior quality” Nadorcott clementines, would be available commercially from January 2011.