Jubilee strawberries Berry Gardens

Leading UK soft fruit supplier Berry Gardens has released new research data that it says places Jubilee strawberries as the country's favourite variety.

A study carried out between 10-17 July asked a broad spectrum of strawberry consumers to rank various varieties on quality and taste, with Jubilee 'clearly placed' as the market leader, while consumer awareness grew 13 per cent when compared with a survey from 2009.

According to Berry Gardens, 37 per cent of consumers surveyed placed Jubilee as the number one premium strawberry variety against 24 per cent in 2009, while the variety also placed first in the taste test with the majority of those polled expressing a preference when buying strawberries, choosing Jubilee over other varieties.

'It is no surprise that Jubilee, being a premium strawberry, resonates well with households with a higher household income,' the group said. '75 per cent of those questioned within this income bracket declared Jubilee as excellent for quality, taste, value, and overall.'

Jubilee strawberries are available from most leading supermarkets in a premium range, including Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Asda, and will be available until the end of September.