Applesinpiken film

Spanish citrus marketer PGI Cítricos Valencianos is hoping to benefit from the free publicity generated for the sector by a new Norwegian film, which uses the country’s citrus industry as its backdrop.

The film, ‘Appelsinpiken’ (The Orange Girl), will have its German premiere today (8 December) before going on to tour selected cinemas in the country.

Cítricos Valencianos plans to take advantage of the film’s setting by handling out free oranges, grown in the region of Valencia, at tonight’s screening.

The organisation’s managing director, Juan Bautista Juan, said the publicity generated by the film would give the Spanish citrus an opportunity to highlight “the excellent quality of the fruit at an international level”.

Appelsinpiken is a European co-production that is based on the bestselling novel of the same name by the Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder.