Cítricos Valencianos

Valencian fresh produce Protected Geographical Indicator (PGI) organisation Cítricos Valencianos has carried out a Europe-wide promotional campaign aimed at increasing consumption of the Spanish region’s citrus across the continent.

The PGI group said that the promotions, which included product tastings at stands in supermarkets from Paris to Hamburg, had been held in a bid to increase sales of Valencia-grown citrus by emphasising the quality of PGI-certified fruit.

According to Cítricos Valencianos’ director Juan Bautista, the objective of the campaign is “not only to build awareness but also to make sure that foreign shoppers’ consumption of fresh produce centres on Valencian citrus”. Mr Bautista said the PGI hoped to mimic the success of kiwifruit marketers who he said have managed to establish a brand through major promotional investments.

During December last year, Cítricos Valencianos held product tastings in branches of Leclerc and Intermarche hypermarkets in France, with supermarket chain Edeka in Germany and in Coop outlets in Italy, among others.