
The Produce Marketing Association (PMA) is one of a number of organisations that have been honoured with an award from the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) in recognition of contributions made to the development of the country's fresh fruit industry.

Also receiving awards at the reception, which was held in Washington to mark the Bicentennial of the Republic of Chile and the 75th anniversary of ASOEX, were a number of PMA members including ports, import pioneers, service providers and USDA representatives.

'The Chilean industry has really taken advantage of all the opportunities provided by the PMA for advancing their industry,' said PMA president and CEO Bryan Silbermann. 'From Fresh Summit exhibition and sponsorship to educational opportunities to special foodservice and retail programme participation, they really view our organisation as a forum for advancing their marketing message.

'We're pleased to have such a great two-way value exchange with them,' Mr Silbermann added, highlighting the significance of the award as representation of the three-decade link between the organisations.

'We are very honoured for our company to receive recognition of our long involvement in the development of Chilean fresh fruit exports to the US,' said Don Corsaro, president of fellow recipient Giumarra. 'To receive it in conjunction with PMA and the other honourees is further illustration of the value of the joint effort that built this industry.

'Organisations such as PMA provided a forum for exporters and importers to meet and exchange ideas,' Mr Corsaro added. 'PMA also offered valuable assistance in rationalising industry standards such as PLU codes and traceability. More recently PMA Chile has presented an additional forum to allow the two nations to better understand one another's businesses.'