Chile US fruit promo

The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA) has announced in a press release the launch of an aggressive promotional campaign in major North American markets to boost consumer demand for fresh “summer fruit” from Chile.

In line with previous years, the foundation of CFFA’s promotion will be a 30-second television advertisement, which last year reached out to more than 60m consumers.

The advert will air in selected spot markets nationally on broadcast and cable channels during weeks of peak volume, according to CFFA, and retailers are also being encouraged to include their own retail tagline at the end of the advert.

Once again, the Chilean marketing support programme will include a dynamic and multi-faceted public relations initiative aimed at food and lifestyle writers for newspapers, magazines, television, radio and popular food websites.

Dozens of recipes will be distributed nationally all season long aimed at consumers and foodservice industry operators, with healthy and easy-to-prepare winter cooking ideas such as a citrus and blueberry salad.

In addition, the Chilean Blueberry Committee is organising an independent major promotional campaign in the US market.

Dubbed ‘Little Blue Dynamos’, the initiative will aim to promote the health benefits and flavour of Chilean blueberries through trade and consumer marketing initiatives.

The Committee has retained the services of PR agency MacKenzie to coordinate the promotional activities.

The agency will focus on communicating the benefits of the year-round supply of fresh blueberries to food media, primarily through intensive media relations.