Chile blueberry recipe

The Chilean fruit industry is making a targeted move into the US foodservice market supported by a raft of new marketing initiatives coordinated by the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA).

The campaign is designed to raise awareness and boost sales of Chilean fruit in a market which is still relatively untapped by the fresh fruit and vegetable trade.

“The `US` foodservice industry is now structured in such a way that strategic marketing initiatives for fruit can have a real effect,” CFFA’s North American managing director Tom Tjerandsen told Americafruit.

“One in every two US dollars spent on food is being spent on out-of-home purchases and it’s fair to say that fruit has been tremendously under-represented in the sector.”

Tjerandsen said US foodservice outlets are have become more interested in fresh produce now that most food items are available year-round, thanks to the complementary seasons in the Southern Hemisphere.

To tap into the demand, CFFA is moving into the “huge but largely ignored” marketing opportunity of colleges and universities where students are increasingly demanding more nutritious meals.

CFFA has already organised a one-week promotion of blueberries at educational facilities under the Blueberry Mania strapline.

The organisation is also working to train college chefs in the handling, usage and preparation of blueberries.

CFFA is also in the process of recruiting a foodservice merchandiser for the first time.

The full report is published in Americafruit’s June/July issue.

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